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5 Steps to Be More Productive


Productivity is all about developing good habits. If you want to be more productive, you need to start by setting aside specific times and places for work. Then, spend some time organizing and planning ahead so that your tasks are less stressful and you have the space to enjoy other aspects of life.

Get organized.

One of the easiest ways to be more productive is by getting organized. You might be thinking, "How can I get more stuff done when I'm already so busy?" Well, here's how:

  • Organize your workspace. Get rid of the clutter and make sure everything in view is something important that needs your attention right now. If it doesn't fit into one of those categories, put it away or purge it entirely if possible!

  • Organize your calendar. This not only helps you stay on track with all of your tasks, but it also allows you to see where there are gaps in time for new projects or tasks (if any). It also makes it much easier for others to plan around you when they need something from you because they know exactly what days/times have been blocked off as unavailable for meetings or calls related to work activities—and why these things should not be scheduled during those times!

  • Organize your email inboxes (if applicable). If there are multiple folders within an inbox containing emails from different sources such as personal accounts versus company -> clients -> vendors etcetera then this will help keep things more organized than just having all emails thrown into one big box like most people tend do these days."

Set a schedule.

  • Set a schedule. You probably have a good idea of what kind of schedule works for you, but it's worth taking some time to figure out exactly when your productivity peaks and what times of day are best for getting things done. For example, some people find that working in the morning helps them feel more energetic and focused; others prefer working in the evening when they're less distracted by emails and phone calls from friends. Some people like having blocks of time set aside for certain tasks; others prefer to work on multiple projects at once, switching back-and-forth between them throughout their day (or even week). Experiment with different types of schedules until you find one that works for your lifestyle—and then stick with it!

Make to-do lists.

To-do lists are the backbone of any productive person’s day. They give you a plan to follow, keep your from getting distracted by the minute, and help ensure that you get everything done that needs doing.

It's not enough simply to make a list of all the things you want to accomplish; there are right and wrong ways to create your list.

The first step is deciding what kind of to-do list works best for you: paper or digital? Paper is great if it's on hand, but most people find that an app makes their lives easier because they can access it anywhere with internet connection (and some apps even sync across multiple devices). When choosing an app, look for one with customizable features such as priority rankings and reminders so that nothing falls through the cracks! If none of those sound like something worth paying for, no worries—there are plenty of free options available as well!

Put your phone in another room while you work.

The best way to avoid distraction is to keep your phone in another room. Your phone is a tool for connecting with people and getting information, but it also has the power to distract you from what you need to be doing. If you keep your phone within reach, it will be too tempting to check it every time there’s a new notification or text message. This will take up valuable time that could be spent working on your project instead of scrolling through Instagram or playing Candy Crush Saga (not recommended).

The best thing about this tip is that once you start doing it regularly, it won't feel like such a big change—it's just part of what needs to happen when we sit down at our desks each morning.

Keep an eye on the clock and take breaks when necessary.

Most people don't take breaks enough, and this is one of the biggest reasons people have trouble being productive. The key to taking a break is scheduling them into your day. Here are some tips for how best to do this:

  • Take short breaks every few hours. When you're feeling tired or frustrated, it's easy to just continue working until you pass out on the keyboard—but that's not good for anyone! Instead, schedule a ten-minute walk around the block or put on some music and dance around in your chair for five minutes before getting back to work. You'll feel refreshed and ready for more work when it's time again!

  • Don't waste time during breaks by checking social media or playing games on your phone/computer/tablet/etc., since these activities will only distract from what you were supposed to be doing in the first place (and waste time). If there are tasks related specifically with those mediums that need doing (like responding to messages), then go ahead; but otherwise try filling the time with something else productive like reading or listening carefully so that when it comes back around again within reason I know exactly what needs doing."

Productivity is all about developing good habits.

Productivity is all about developing good habits. Habits are a key part of our lives, as they guide most of the things we do. Our habits can be both good and bad. Some habits, like brushing your teeth every morning, are beneficial to your health and overall well being in the long run. Other habits, such as smoking cigarettes or eating junk food on a regular basis, can have negative effects on your body over time.

Habits are something that we do automatically without thinking about them or trying hard at it—they simply happen because they've been repeated many times before. Sometimes we're aware of our own habits but other times we aren't even aware that they exist!


Productivity is a skill that can be honed. In the beginning, you may feel like you have to force yourself to be more productive. But with time and practice, it will become easier and more natural for you to be more efficient in your workday. So try these five tips today—and then get started on tomorrow’s tasks!

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